Shubh Agrawal

7 AI SDR Metrics That Actually Matter (And 3 That Are Totally Useless)

7 AI SDR Metrics That Actually Matter (And 3 That Are Totally Useless)

Aug 21, 2024

Alright, let's cut through the BS. If you're still measuring your AI SDR performance the same way you did with human SDRs, you're doing it wrong.

Dead wrong.

In the world of AI-powered sales, the game has changed. So have the rules for keeping score.

Here are the 7 metrics that really matter in 2024:
  1. Conversation Quality Score (CQS) Forget vanity metrics like number of calls made. CQS measures the relevance and depth of AI-driven conversations.

  2. Multi-Touch Attribution Your AI SDR isn't working in a vacuum. This metric shows you how AI outreach interacts with other touchpoints in your sales process. We've seen companies double their conversion rates by optimizing this interplay.

  3. Predictive Lead Value (PLV) Not all leads are created equal. PLV uses AI to forecast the potential value of each lead based on hundreds of data points. It's like having a crystal ball for your sales pipeline.

  4. Response Time Optimization (RTO) In the AI world, timing is everything. RTO measures how well your AI is optimizing outreach timing for each individual prospect. Our clients have seen up to 50% improvement in response rates by nailing this metric.

  5. Personalization Effectiveness Ratio (PER) Generic outreach is dead. PER measures how well your AI is tailoring messages to each prospect. High PER scores correlate directly with higher conversion rates.

  6. AI Learning Velocity (ALV) Your AI should be getting smarter every day. ALV tracks how quickly your AI is improving its performance over time. If this number isn't constantly going up, something's wrong.

  7. Human-AI Collaboration Score (HACS) The future isn't AI or humans; it's AI + humans. HACS measures how effectively your AI is working alongside your human team. High scores here lead to happier SDRs and better overall performance.

Now, for the metrics you need to stop obsessing over:

  1. Number of Outreach Attempts Volume for volume's sake is pointless. Quality and relevance trump quantity every time.

  2. Generic Open Rates They tell you nothing about intent or quality. Focus on meaningful engagement instead.

  3. Activity Metrics Your AI doesn't need to be motivated by activity quotas. Focus on outcomes, not busywork.

Here's the kicker: Most sales teams are drowning in data but starving for insights. They're measuring everything but understanding nothing.

At Valley, we've built these 7 key metrics into the core of our platform. Our clients don't just get an AI SDR; they get a complete performance optimization system.

The results speak for themselves:

  • 45%+ acceptance rates

  • 32%+ response rates

  • 50% increase in booked meetings

Here's my challenge to you: Audit your current sales metrics. How many of these 7 key AI SDR metrics are you tracking? If it's less than 5, you're flying blind.

Ready to get the full picture of your AI SDR performance? Book a demo with Valley today. We'll show you what you've been missing and how to take your sales game to the next level.

Remember: In the age of AI sales, what you measure determines what you achieve. Measure what matters, and watch your results soar.

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The exact learnings, tactics, and playbooks that actually close deals and build scalable sales systems. All signal, zero noise.

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